Monday 26 September 2011

Música para toda a semana

The state of Pernambuco, northeast of the country, is one of the musical epicentres of Brazil, full of infectious rhythms and traditions such as coco, caboclinho, forró, candomblé and baião. Since the emergence of Manguebeat in the early 90s this has been even more the case, with that particular genre’s fusing of rap and funk with maracatu and Afro-Brazilian religions inspiring new generations to create music, with artists like Otto, DJ Dolores, Alessandra Leão and Nação Zumbi currently producing some of the finest music in Brazil.

Musica da Massa! New Sounds of Pernambuco showcases some of freshest sounds of Pernambuco with a collection of 16 tracks released over the last two years.

Access the website HERE to download the album. And below some examples of this cool compilation:


Anonymous said...

again its 1976 in London

Lis said...

Valeu!!! Vou passar pra Cintia pra gente se instigar mais ainda com esse Pernambuco! rs... Ah, fiquei "sem palavras" com teus posts sobre a Marcha. Se for possível, quero ouvir mais dessa história, de ti, em novembro! Bjo moço!