Monday 25 February 2008

One World Action's El Salvador description

Este blog mudara. De lingua, porque de pais. Dentro de poucas horas, parto para El Salvador. Razoes, motivacoes, vontades. La, terra de minha metade fraterna, estarei por inicialmente seis meses. Ainda assim, alguns dos proximos posts aqui seguirao sobre Londres em ingles e portugues porque ha alguns registros que nao foram mas merecem serem feitos. Logo apos a fase de aclimatizacao, Deiticos passara a ser sobre El Salvador e em espanhol. 
Aqui segue, para quem eh clueless sobre El Salvador, uma pequena descricao da One World Action (nao animadora, mas real) sobre meu segundo pais e que hoje tenho a chance de descobrir.
Hasta pronto!


Since the signing of the peace treaty which ended El Salvador’s devastating twelve year civil war in 1992, the country has made significant economic progress. Sadly, recovery has been seriously hampered by the succession of natural disasters which have hit Central America, notably Hurricane Mitch in 1998 and two sizeable earthquakes in 2001.  El Salvador remains plagued by poverty and by vast inequalities in wealth whilst the legacy of weapons left by the civil war has contributed to a serious gang problem in recent years.  Despite this, however, the World Bank predicts that the country is on track to meet most of the Millennium Development Goals ahead of the 2015 target date. 

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